diumenge, de setembre 11, 2005



Va despertar-se a mitja nit, i un raig de lluna pàl.lida il.luminava la cara del seu amant. Es va aixecar i, amb els peus descalços, va anar cap a la finestra a poc a poc. Feia un vent suau que li esbullava els cabells i movia les cortines de tela fina. És culpa teva - va dir-li - és per la teva llum, orgullosa i pàl.lida, que l'he perdut per sempre!. Però la lluna no va dir res. I així restà tota la nit sense poder veure que la lluna era un miratge. O un mirall...

I think the tale has a strange beauty, and it gets a
little better in English*. Maybe some languages fit better to some
thoughts, I don't know...

Thank you, girl. Feel free to make any suggestions to the text...


She woke up in the middle of the night and a pale moon beam iluminated the
face of her lover. She got up and with barefoot feet went slowly towards the
window. A soft wind tangled up her hair and moved the silky courtains of the
room. It's your fault ---she said to the moon--- it's because of your proud
and pale light that I have lost him forever! But the moon did not say
anything. And she stayed awake all night without being able to see that the
moon was just a mirage. Maybe a mirror...

* Post escrit originalment en anglès. Gràcies pels suggeriments Joanaina. i Bel (de nit?)


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